Food Diary Comments

  1. Looking at the CLASS DATA, what conclusions can you draw about the nutritional value of the meals/snack this group of students is consuming?

its strange to see many of student are low on calories. Onlike back then, nowdays there is all kind of differnet option of food that we are able to choice, all we need to do is go to cafe and spend time eat them. I’m also surprised to see either people are drinking to much water or not consuming enough of water. 60% of our body are made of water that means YOU NEED IT, but  if you drink to much that waste of resources. 

  1. Assuming the majority of the food consumed is from the Commons dining hall and/or other venues on campus, what suggestions do you have for the food service managers.

Surprisly i dont have any suggestion. This is my first year here, and my high school dining quality and food choice are not well, so i’m satisfied with what une procvides us.


  1. What spices do you wish were available in the dining hall?  Are there nutrients in spices?

Spicy souce, where im coming spicy source are in our every day meal, so i will be really glad if they do. Some different region unknown food souce are pretty tempting to me.  I love trying new things.