I have a universal standing strategy for studying. Just like everyone else if I’m in class, i will pay attention to what the teacher is saying. If it’s a reading […]
Doctor. Gawande
During his presentations, Doctor. Gawande introduced a common struggle that most professionals face, which is how to continuously improve from how much of an expert they already are to the […]
learning stradegies
I don’t really have a specific learning strategy. Just like everyone else if I’m in class, i will pay attention to what the teacher is saying. If its a areading […]
life with rich in value and character (draft 2)
Just a couple of months ago, Alaska governor decided to cut half of the funds from the University of Alaska operating system. One central contribute is the belief of the […]
life with rich in value and character
Just a couple of months ago. Alaska governor decided to cut half of the fund from the University of Alaska operating system. One central contribute is the belief of the […]
Career Readiness
Before I read the source, I pointed out a multiple skill that is necessary to have for a successful career. Growth mindset, creativity, professional, well organized and be able to […]
Eagle observation 4
8:50 pm- 9:20 May 6th 8:53 pm one of the younger eagle are sleeping, another one is preening 8:56 pm the one reamin awake pick up a wood stick and […]
Eagle observation 3
May 1st 9:00-9:30 9: 00 am: one of the Younger eagle(A) are eating fish 9:04 am: parent eagle just left the net. 9: 05 am: The one who is […]
what makes a good scientist
In what ways do you see yourself as a writer? Are you a poet? A journalist? A blogger? What style of writing is most familiar and comfortable for you? I […]
food diary comment
Looking at the CLASS DATA, what conclusions can you draw about the nutritional value of the meals/snack this group of students is consuming? its strange to see many of student […]