Step 5

These cognitive fallacies do apply to everyone, and we have been a victim of these act. When you make a false judgment that you don’t realize it, it could be a small decision or small thing but have a big impact on your life, such as school success, family relation, personal interest. How do we prevent it from happening? At the end of his paper, Kahnenman introduces two critical thinking about how to avoid cognitive fallacies. When it comes to making a judgment, do we have the evidence, “cues,” and the “regularities” to support this judgment? When it comes to making a prediction or judgment, can we find the regularities and trends from the available evidence in history? If we can discover the regularities, the next decision or prediction we made can be sufficient enough, and it won’t just be random guesses. For instance, if I take some time to look back at my student career, I will find that I have not been an elite student at all. It won’t be a wise choice to take full load course schedule in college, which is know for its toughness.